Weight Loss Goal Achieved!
I was just reading one of my earlier posts and I noticed that I had set a goal to be at 170 pounds for the summer. Well, without any restrictions whatsoever, I have already achieved this goal. (The last few days I weighted myself were around 169-172, mostly 170). I am very happy with these results, but I have decided that I wanted to lose another 8 to 10 pounds. I'm not setting any timeframe for it, I will let it happen naturally. My plan is to keep biking at least 3 days a week, and take a couple walks as well. My bike rides are moderate to high intensity 1 hour or so workouts, and so I feel like I get a very good workout for both fat loss and anaerobic training. Lastly, a new goal I just thought about is to reduce my grocery shopping expenses. In the last 4 months, I have paid literally no attention to the money I was spending. I was assuming that it was a little bit higher than before, due to the fact that I actually eat whole foods now, instead of processed garbage on sale...