Taken it up a notch

Still on track! Not just that, I've taken it up a notch. I've been eating almost exclusively whole foods (with the exception of condiments and the healthiest flours/whole, non-wheat breads I found). I am basically following an Asian-McDougall diet. Very starch heavy (gluten-free oatmeal, brown rice or potatoes) with lots of greens and 2-4 servings of fruit a day (citrus and mixed berries). Through a process of elimination, I have figured out that I don't do very well on processed "fake meat" products. Even the more healthy, gluten-free versions of those. So I am keeping it simple (and very cheap). For drinks, I drink water, green tea, jiaogulan, and low sodium V8.

I have been almost fully symptom free for a few days now. I occasionally get some serious flatulence, which isn't ideal, but I'll take that any day over the indignity of shitting yourself. I feel good, and I hit all my macros or at least 95%+ of them every day without issues. My stools are very easy to pass and never bloody. It still stinks quite a bit, and I imagine that this is the sign of a more healthy bowel movement that has a lot more bacteria. My weight has been at a pretty stable 179-181 this past two weeks. It doesn't seem like it's going to be effortless to lose weight from here on. So, my goal is to drop all fats to around 10% and remove oils completely and shed a few more pounds. I'd like to be at 170 during the summer and stay around there. Hopefully with some exercise it will be doable. I am planning to buy a nice bike now that I can actually leave the house without worrying.

I haven't received any news from the medical clinic. It seems like they have decided to ignore my case. I don't even know if I would really want to go get a colonoscopy right now if they called. It doesn't feel necessary, but I guess it would be nice to make sure everything is fine. Not sure what I'll do if they do call. Anyway, my priority is to get some dental work done now that I'm in remission. It's been a long time coming.


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