A while ago, I read Diana S Fleischman's blog entry about the ethical case for eating oysters (found here: https://sentientist.org/2013/05/20/the-ethical-case-for-eating-oysters-and-mussels/) It makes a very strong case in the favor of including some oysters in a vegan diet (which Denise Minger also argues on her blog but from a nutritional perspective only). Diana takes a more global approach to the subject. Diana coins two terms to describe herself, 'ostrovegan' and 'bivalvegan'. I chose to discard the term bivalvegan, since I am not interested in eating mobile mollusks, and the word doesn't specify which bivalves are eaten. In my view, if it moves of its own, then it is more distant from the plant kingdom than close to it, unlike sessile mollusks. So, I chose the word 'ostreovegan'. Ostreo for Ostreidae - or the family of edible Oysters. (Superfamily: Ostreoidea & Order: Ostreoida). This word also makes it easy for me to use the same word b...
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