
Showing posts from 2017


So, I'm about to start a new blog on philosophy (complexity, ethics). Figured I'd try and write something on here before. I had a bad bike accident a little over a month ago. It was very painful and forced me to stop the gym. So I've lost considerable gains, and now that I'm back in the gym, my grip and wrist strength still is a bit iffy. I really hope it heals completely in the near future, I'm a bit worried as of right now. Weight has gone down, maybe just because I stopped the creatine. I went down to 162 at some point. Healthy weight as usual though. Healthy stools and feeling good overall. Goal is now to get back where I was. OHP @ 95, Bench at 135, squat 155 I think.

Haven't updated this in a while

Things are good. Still training hard every week. Bench is at 120+, DL 150+, Squat 140+. My deadlift is lagging because I had to stop training it multiple times due to my lower back weaknesses/pains. I've mostly stopped chin ups and been doing rows: mostly Yates these days, but a lot of Pendlays before. I've been doing some cycling too which is hard to balance with WL... I want a standing desk. Really tired of my set up. Diet is good, a little bit more loose than before. 164 lbs right now. I've been doing a loose IF and cutting fats.

Making Gains

I went down to 149 pounds about a month ago. That's when I decided it was enough weight loss. Battery died so haven't been able to weigh myself since then until I did so at the gym yesterday. Fully dressed and stuff, 159 pounds! Kinda nuts. I've been making some gains in the gym. That's my focus now - I don't care about my weight, it will manage itself. I just want to be fit - truly fit - for the first time in my life. I have quit online gaming (10 days so far), and a lot of the time I was putting in there is going into fitness/stretching. So far I'm doing body splits just because I don't have the energy of doing full body workouts (I tried). I basically workout whatever isn't sore every day. My diet is the same, but more volume, and more fat than before. I eat a lot of guac and more nut/nut butters. Planning to make gains without a protein powder too - I am pretty sure it is unnecessary. Only supplement I will take is creatine, because the research is ...