Making Gains

I went down to 149 pounds about a month ago. That's when I decided it was enough weight loss. Battery died so haven't been able to weigh myself since then until I did so at the gym yesterday. Fully dressed and stuff, 159 pounds! Kinda nuts. I've been making some gains in the gym. That's my focus now - I don't care about my weight, it will manage itself. I just want to be fit - truly fit - for the first time in my life. I have quit online gaming (10 days so far), and a lot of the time I was putting in there is going into fitness/stretching. So far I'm doing body splits just because I don't have the energy of doing full body workouts (I tried). I basically workout whatever isn't sore every day. My diet is the same, but more volume, and more fat than before. I eat a lot of guac and more nut/nut butters. Planning to make gains without a protein powder too - I am pretty sure it is unnecessary. Only supplement I will take is creatine, because the research is solid, and vegans stand to benefit much more from it. We'll see how it goes.


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